Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Home Fitness Exercises with Gym Equipments


Home Fitness Exercises with Gym Equipments


Fitness is most important in today's speedy moving life to keep yourself free from diseases. This must be well understood by the people. Early realization of health importance in individual's life can lead to a joyful life. Easy life is preferred by the people but should not lead to a lazy life. Due to less hard work and easy life increased fat and cholesterol among people which is the root cause for many health problems and diseases. Now to lose weight and be in shape for good health becomes necessity for mass of people. There are several ways to keep fit. Walking, running and body weight exercises either at home or at local gym or develop your own home gym with fitness equipments.

Many people prefer to visit local gym for exercises on fitness equipment. but if you are time savvy or having tight time schedule and timing issues prevents you for daily gym visit, then you can easily opt available various high quality fitness equipments at cheaper rates tend many people prefer to establish home gym for exercises at their conveniencies. There are many benefits of home fitness equipment over commercial gym, like no need to be in queue for gym equipment, no need to go at gym, no need to worry about the cleanliness of fitness equipment due to continuous usage by many people, no need to pay on monthly basis for usage of exercise equipments. you can exercise in peaceful manner and can more concentrate on exercises. If you do body weight exercises at home, it's good to keep fit and build some muscles but if you want to progress more than that, a home gym is very useful and effective for body weight exercises, you will reach a plateau at one point whereas with weights, you can progress further. Although it requires some investment in your home gym fitness equipment, which is worthful if you consider all above advantages. As such pros and cons are the two sides of a coin, there are certain drawbacks of home exercises as no body is there to train you well at home and you need pay extra for fitness trainer to visit you home for training. some times boredness may make you lazy and irregular in daily workouts may lead to a rhythm loss. Thus one must be determined and stick to the daily workout plans to keep self fit, healthy and in shape.

Defining exercise workouts for your home gym for men and women is not so much difficult. Certain basics will help you a lot. some prefer to have different workouts for different week days exercising different body part everyday. whereas some prefer same workout routine and change the workout on regular basis to get benefits. One can decide best for him or her as per your stronger and weaker areas. you can select your home fitness equipment from many of the home gym equipments like exercise balls, Ab equipment, Exercise bikes, Elliptical Trainers, Dumbbelles, kettlebells, resistance bands, medicine balls etc.

Choosing a Fitness Training Career

Choosing a Fitness Training Career

The benefits of regular exercise and training are quite evident. With the growing consciousness of people and a changing world, more and more people now prefer to stay fit. Living a healthy lifestyle and following a regular exercise program is essential to live a long and healthy life.

There are many fitness careers and courses available for people who are interested in teaching personal fitness to others. The demand of personal trainers is very high today. It is necessary for a personal trainer to have adequate and accurate knowledge of various forms of exercise and diet so that he can train his clients in the best way possible. Today all types of people are becoming gym trainers and personal trainers but not everyone is equally qualified. With growing knowledge of people they want to have a qualified trainer who owns a certification from a recognized institute.

A certification and degree in personal training and fitness courses helps you in getting a job in big gyms and training centers. Also if you wish to open up your personal gym then also you need to have enough knowledge to guide your clients in the right direction and give them desirable results.

A training institute forms your basis. You learn the major and minor essentials about fitness. When you are training a person you need to be aware about their fitness level and medical problems. Your client must be trained in the right way and appropriate program so as to benefit his bodily fitness and endurance. Various weight loss programs don’t show results on their clients because they are not carried out in the right way. Until you know and understand the basics and fundamentals of fitness training programs you cannot become a good fitness trainer.

Many fitness trainers have made a big name in this industry and train celebrities and film stars. The reason for their high demand is their extensive knowledge and persona. In fitness courses you are taught everything related to fitness. You would be told about the working and reaction of the body towards any fitness regime. Some of the career paths that you can choose after the fitness training course are:

•    Self employed Personal Trainer - owner/ operator 

•    Studio or outdoor Personal Trainer - owner/ operator

•    Franchisee within a health club

•    Group Outdoor Personal Training Franchisee

•    Cruise ship/ Resort Personal Trainer/ Fitness/ Instructor/ Massage Therapist

•    Kids and Special needs

Being self employed you can work for yourself by opening your own gym or training people at their homes, in their gyms. Everyone has a different kind of body and understanding how you can make your client’s body healthy, fit and strong is the foremost part of every training program. Therefore, if you are interested in becoming a fitness trainer it is essential that you follow a proper fitness course and become certified.

Lose Fat by Building Muscle-How Does it Work

Lose Fat by Building Muscle-How Does it Work

Initially, let's expose one fantasy of some body-builders: to lose fat, building muscle is all you require. By not changing eating habits or cardio activity, an individual trying to lose fat will only see minimal losses by building muscle. It is true, however, that building lean muscle will yield other ways of helping to lose fat, by itself don't expect significant amounts of help.

To examine this further, you will find claims that every pound of resting lean muscle burns 50 calories a day. Sorry, but that number is way overstated. Resting muscle is like an idling car; it burns some fuel, but not a great deal. Doing nothing, those muscle tissues burn roughly 13 calories a day. If a person were to gain ten pounds just building lean muscle, he would burn 910 calories in a week. To lose fat at this pace, it would take him around 27 days to lose one pound of body fat. That obviously does not take into account all the other variables, like gaining any extra body fat while building lean muscle. When you are building muscle, you are going to need extra calories to support this new growth. To believe that none will go into body fat would be really optimistic.

That believed, is building lean muscle while we are trying to lose fat not possible when trying to accomplish our long-term goals? We take the attitude that building muscle is an important part of the battle to lose fat, but it is just one leg in a three-leg stool. One of the additional vital legs to lose fat is aerobic activity, and if our muscles are on the increase and actively calling for additional nutrients, our body will feel lively and energetic, making us more liable to perform the necessary cardio activity. Additionally, the third leg of the stool is diet. Just as all fats are not created equal, all calories are not all created equal. There are actually good calories and bad calories, and the type of foods you choose will have a great influence on the type of body mass you may attain.

While building muscle, you will be building mini metabolism machines which are constantly running. To sustain this activity, they need additional nutrients in order to keep going. To lose fat, we have always been told that we need to cut back on calories. Here's where good diet kicks in. By eating high fat foods, such as cheeseburgers or foods high in Tran's fats and processed foods, more of those calories are going to be transformed to fat than muscle. The ploy is to eat only enough calories to maintain building lean muscle, but only those foods that are clean, whole foods that the body will burn for fuel and growth. By cutting out junk foods, sugars and all processed foods, and replace them with whole foods like lean protein, fibrous carbohydrates and clean fats, building muscle and losing fat will turn out to be a breeze and you should start to notice the change in two or three weeks.

One concluding word on building lean muscle: During your first period of training, many individuals experience fat loss no matter what they eat, but to their surprise it doesn't maintain. As testosterone levels are increasing, your body is using everything, including saved fat to build muscle. But this only happens for a certain period of time before your body needs more food to maintain strength levels. Yet again, the fuel you feed your system will determine if you will lose fat while building muscle.